The value of the pieces
Has come the time of talking about the value of each piece:
Pawn - 1
Bishop - 3
Knight -3
Rook - 5
Queen - 9
King - infinity
These are approximate values, but gives an idea of the value of these pieces. It attributes infinity to the King because, in spite of being a weak piece, it is on his protection that the whole play depends.
The values are not always like these, because if a piece is well positioned it can worth more, in the same way, if it is badly positioned it worth's less.
The importance of the centre
In the beginning of the play, one of the most important things to do is to control the centre, a good rule that we should follow while developing our pieces is to move them for central squares or near to the centre, so it is where they manage to reach the whole of their strength. We can exemplify the importance of the centre with the next images referring to the possibilities of Knight's movement:
In this position the white Knight is at one of the extremities of the board and can move only for 2 squares where there are the black Pawns
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